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E-Commerce Platform App Building Guide for 2023

E-com: The Ultimate App Building Guide for 2023

Although the term "e-commerce" technically refers to the use of an electronic medium for commercial transactions, it is frequently used to describe the sale of goods and services to customers or other businesses online. The question of why to launch an e-commerce app is no longer relevant; rather, the issue…

android & ios app development company

Android VS iOS Development: Which Platform is Better for Your App

Most people base their decisions between iOS and Android on their personal preferences. But, the app development decision doesn't lie entirely on your personal preference.   Take into account your specifications and the most significant business. To help you decide, we conducted extensive research, gathered a ton of data specifically for…

Dating Platform: The Ultimate App Building Guide for 2023

Dating Platform: The Ultimate App Building Guide for 2023

Finding  “The One”  is the ultimate quest in human life, with so many novels, films, and social media showing the perfect happily ever after! Without any surprise that we are still obsessed with it in some form today, with no clue where to start. But wait. It's 2023. Everything is…

Healthcare Analytics Solutions

Healthcare Analytics Solutions: An Integral Part of the Medical Industry

As it is said, data is everywhere. But what is data? Data is raw information. Data is the numbers, letters, or symbols a computer performs operations on; these can be recorded on magnetic, optical, or mechanical recording media and stored and transferred as electrical signals. In simple terms, information converted…

Building social media applicaion

Building Social Media Applications @ AtliQ

Social Media is a word that requires no introduction. With the growth of social media, the world has become a small village that is connected within a matter of a few fingertips.  The Rise of Social Media Undoubtedly social media has changed our world. Right from accessing news, reserving tables…

Product Designing at AtliQ

Product Designing @ AtliQ

Do you remember the time when you tried your favorite snack for the first time? What was the most appealing thing that pushed you towards that choice? The super cool design, right? Surely, some funky color or creative animation would have caught your eye. Product designing makes sure that you…


Go-to-market Strategies for Your Mobile Applications

Did you know a couple of years back there were approximately 1800000 apps on the Apple App store itself! Forget the count including the ones on android and windows. Now, what do these statistics mean to you? It’s simply a reminder of the competition out there.  Building an application is…


Cross Platform Applications – Pros & Cons

What are cross-platform apps?  In layman's language, a cross-platform approach is creating an app that will be compatible with the major operating systems like Android, iOS, macOS, and windows. It is also considered an alternative to native app development. Applications like Whatsapp, Facebook, Instagram, etc are cross-platform apps. These applications…

data in digital marketing

Data in Digital Marketing – Beginning of the Intelligent Marketing Era

A couple of decades back, marketing was done at a mass targeting level, majorly through print media and television advertisements. Fast forward to today, we have personalized advertisements targeted toward each individual. The current generation brands are focusing more on data-driven marketing strategies, which use smart data to deliver better…

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